

An app to replace airdrops
A small bird that looks like it's wearing a tuxedo

"A better way to distribute tokens, to people who actually want them."

Airdrops are a notoriously bad way of distributing tokens, firstly because of the cost - 0.00203 SOL per address + txn fees, and secondly as people aren't expecting the token it will likely be:
a) Ignored
b) Market sold for cheeseburgers
or c) Burned and the 0.00203 SOL claimed 💌 - kthxbi
Magpie solves this by shifting the onus onto the holder to "claim" the token. And that's it.
By replacing cold-dropping with user claiming the cost of distributing to 10,000 wallets is reduced from 20.3 SOL, to zero. Not to mention there is also the ability to cancel a distribution for one or many wallets if users haven't claimed after a certain grace period etc.
Literally anyone can set up a magpie, any SPL token or SOL can be distributed, and the best part:

There's a central hub where anyone can connect their wallet and claim ALL tokens / SOL they have been assigned.